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6th Grade Information

6th Grade Curriculum

6th Grade English/Language Arts: This course focuses on six essential themes (relationships, knowledge, courage, leadership, overcoming evil, and making choices) from a Biblical worldview. This approach will help students understand the Bible as they become more discerning about the world around them. Texts for this course will include novels, short stories, excerpts, and poetry from classical and modern literature. Students will learn to comprehend the author’s purpose by applying the themes of literature to their own lives. Grammar skills will be consistently developed, practiced, and reinforced within writing assignments.  


6th Grade Science: This course includes meteorology, geology, astronomy, and oceanography, which will train students to understand and embrace God’s design of His creation.  Topics will be supplemented with lab activities and reports. God’s word is the foundation of this curriculum. 


6th Grade Social Studies (Ancient Civilizations): This course follows the themes of creation, the Fall, and redemption throughout the course of history. Students will learn to recognize these patterns in the ancient civilizations of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and the Americas. This course will allow students to understand world history from a Biblical perspective. 


6th Grade Math - Lessons integrate conceptual understanding, problem-solving skills, modeling, reasoning, and strands of algebra and geometry with a strong emphasis on skill development and concept mastery. This curriculum features units on multiplying/dividing whole numbers and decimals, geometry, fractions, and number theory, adding/subtracting/ multiplying/dividing decimals, integers, area and volume, radios, measurement, hands-on activities, and learning-based projects.  

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many spots are available for 6th grade students?
CBS is offering 20 spots for 6th grade students.

2. Will 7th & 8th grades be added?
Yes, we plan to add 7th grade fall of 2024; 8th grade fall of 2025.

3. Will athletics be offered?
CBS will continue to utilize VLPRA/United for basketball, volleyball, soccer. *Other sports may be considered pending coaches, facility needs, interests, etc.

4. What is the cost for 6th grade?
$6,250 ($6,000 after Golden Dome Scholarship applied)

5. Will the Middle School be accredited?
Yes. 6th grade is considered elementary by the Georgia Accreditation Commission (GAC). CBS elementary is already accredited with quality. When 7th grade is added our GAC representative and team will visit our campus to ensure we are meeting all requirements by the state to become accredited.

6. What about curriculum/academics?
Here at CBS, we select curriculum that has a sound, biblical worldview. The curriculum we select not only ensures biblical principles are being taught but ensures challenge and rigor for our students. Our administrative team has made school visits to various private Christian schools and collaborated with their administration, as well as researched various curriculum to determine which best suits our students.

7. Will 6th graders wear uniforms?
Yes. 6th Graders will follow the same guidelines stated in our handbook for grades K3-5th.

8. What are the lunch options?
Students will bring their lunch to school each day, and they will have the option to purchase Hot Lunch on Fridays. (Possibly adding Hot lunch options on Mondays as well)

9. What electives are offered?
Art, Music, PE/Health, Technology.

10. What classes are offered?
Language Arts (English, Literature, Composition), Earth Science, Math, Spanish, Social Studies (Ancient Civilizations).
(1st Semester – Composition; 2nd Semester – Spanish)

For More Information

Call 229.241.1430 or email